Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mise-en-scene notes


In this scene there is a focus on academic mise-en-scene, showing trophies in the background to represent the acheiving nature of the school, and therefore representing the headmistress as acheiving and acomplished, this also sets the scene as her office. Chris wears a fairly normal sports jacket and has scruffy hair and does not hold a direct mode of adress very often, this is contrasted with the head of college who wears a blazer and is very confident with her actions. The Newtons cradel also strongly represents academicness and inteligence. This is well shown as Chris is playing with the cradel at first however the head mistress stops him when telling him he is expelled. Taking away his ability to play in this academic enviroment, much like in the narrative of the scene itself. The computer is used as a prop showing Chris examples of his rebelliosness, in highly exaggerated ways to conform to the shows conventions.

The Mise en Scene is mostly in acordance with where a scene is set, in this example the majority of the mise-en-scene is items being sold in the shop, the till, the shop workers' uniforms etc. Other mise-en-Scene is characters clothing which varies from character to charcter. there are two men both wearing practical coats in the scene, nothing too expensive representing them as middle or working class. The younger boy in the clip wears fashionable clothing and has a fashionable gold chain around his neck, this is quite common amoung youths in this day and age so represents more middle class than upper. He also wears a blue jacket with stripes to link to whilst contrasting to the shop workers' uniforms (blue with white spots). The women in the clip (2 of which wear work uniforms with make up and hoop earings) are show in realistic clothes with enough make-up and jewellery to show their personalities to an extent. the other woman wears a fancy coat and nice clothes, however her situation (shopping in a corner shop) company (With a not upper class man) and body language (smelling her finger inspecting goods around her-practical attitude not pampered as an upper class person is useually represented hint at her being also middle or working class, however a bit of a snob, almost putting herself above thoose around her with the more extravagent clothing. The older woman is wetting her financial documents, emphasising her situation and character- cheating the insurance company.

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