Monday, December 14, 2009

Youth TV Youth Drama Excersises

"The facebook kids"
How would commisioners perceive this group? What sort of programming would be commisioned to appeal to this audience?

As young people who spend a lot of time online and have short attention spans and like up to date information on their favorite media, I imagine shows designed to appeal to them would be based around characters their own age with references to online media and social networking sites, as well sa users set up on popular sites such as Facebook to allow the audience to research the programme and get up to date behind the scenes information. This will appeal to them as it would become a talking point amoungst peers. These shows tend to have very exxagerated action or drama so as to keep the audience interested.

I believe 16-24 year olds are spending more and more time online and getting entertainment through their computers as opposed to from TV, however as TV can be watched online this doesn't particularry surgest a loss of interest in TV, however it is becomming very common for people to be on a social networking site talking to friends whilst watching TV.

Instant Audit

Watching Scheduled TV
Playing Games on a console
Online social networking
Listening to music on MP3 player
Live streaming Music
Using Mobile phone
Watching TV online
Watching DVDs
Watching TV on demand
Going to the cinema
Listening to scheduled radio

I would think the best way to reach a Youth audience would be through an online campaign over social networking sites, however not forgetting the value of broadcast television with some advertising on there aswell.

Letter to controller of Series and Serials for the BBC

Dear Mrs Harwood
Although I agree that TV drama is less popular in the younger demographic, I think this audience want to see TV drama however are put off as most TV drama focuses on serious issues that don't appeal to a younger audience as they can not relate to it and enjoy it voyeristically. However the Dramas based around schools and colleges tend to follow a certain formula which has become convention and never stands out as appealing to younger people just because its an enviroment they recognise.
I disagree with you that Heroes and Skins have a small audience, although i don't know the figures I've found amounst my peers over the last couple of years than these two shows have become most popular of all TV drama aimed at Younger audiences. Skins strong push towards extra content online enticed it's audience into looking up the show and this helped it's popularity hugely with free song download offers to draw people in. Heroes, although probably does have a niche target audience I believe grew in popularity very quickly gaining a large following in the first series that, at least amounsgt my peers has not seemed to diminished.

How E4's website targets a young audience/

E4's website design is similar to the way it portrays itself on adverts on it's channel. With spray paint and duct tape designs to give a young rebellious, unorganised look to the graphics used by the channel to be relatable to a younger audience. Quite a lot of bright colours are used with a informal tone to the text on the site. As well as this the majority of the shows focus on young people, there is a teenager is almost every picture on the homepage. it also has a play on the E-mail Slang WTF on a tab standing for "Wheres the fun" on it's website.